Module Fiber

Fast native fibers for OCaml.

Fibers are implemented by tying together libcoro and OCaml's GC hooks. This design allows allocation free context switches with decent performance. For example, i7-8750H running Linux can perform about 13.7M fiber context switches per second. If you want to measure it by yourself just run make all bench from the source directory.

Basic API

The basic API allows creation of a fiber and switching back and forth. It follows closely Lua coroutines.

To give some idea of how it works, here is an example of printing numbers from 1 to 10 in a fiber way:

let fb = Fiber.create (fun () ->
	     for i = 1 to 10 do
	       print_int i;
	       print_newline ();
	       Fiber.yield ()
	     done) ()

let _ =
  for j = 1 to 10 do
    Fiber.resume fb

More examples available in the examples directory.

type 'a fiber

a fiber type.

val create : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b fiber

create f arg creates a fiber.

A fiber can be in one of the following states: sleeping, running or dead. A fiber will initially be in state sleeping. Upon resume, the fiber will execute f arg. When f returns the fiber enters state dead. return value of f can be obtained by calling join.

Current implementation allocates 112 pages of stack and 16 pages of guard zone. Graceful stack overflow detection is not (yet) implemented and stack overflow will result in segmentation violation.

Fiber context creation is a relatively expensive process and therefore library caches unused contexts of dead fibers. The cache size is unbound, be careful when creating a lot of short living fibers.

Exception behavior is similar to the vanilla OCaml. You can raise exception inside a fiber and catch it with a try ... with .... Uncaught exception in a fiber will terminate the whole program.

val yield : unit -> unit

yield yields control to the caller (the fiber which issued resume). Consequently, it is an error to call yield from initial context, since there is no caller.

val resume : 'a fiber -> unit

resume fb resumes the fiber fb, that is: transfer execution context to it. Trying to resume dead fiber will raise Invalid_argument "Fiber.resume".

Event loop

Integration with libev event loop.

val run : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b option

run f arg starts the event loop and executes f arg inside a newly created fiber. Returns None if break is called during execution of f.

val break : unit -> unit

break stops event loop and exits from run.

val wake : 'a fiber -> unit

wake fb register a wakeup for a fiber fb. A fiber fb will be resumed in the next iteration of the event loop.

val cancel_wake : 'a fiber -> unit

cancel_wake fb cancels pending wakeup for fb.

val join : 'a fiber -> 'a

join fb suspends the current fiber until fb is dead and returns the return value of it. It is permitted to call join fb several times.

type event =
val wait_io_ready : Unix.file_descr -> event -> unit

wait_io_ready fd ev suspends the current fiber until reading or writing from file descriptor fd can be performed without blocking.

Please note, that the library itself doesn't put file descriptor into a nonblocking mode. Therefore, it's advisable to either put file descriptor into nonblocking mode before calling read(2) and write(2)or use send(2)and recv(2) with corresponding flags.

val sleep : float -> unit

sleep s suspends the current fiber for s seconds.


module Mutex : sig ... end
module Condition : sig ... end
module MVar : sig ... end